Monday, March 21, 2005
On this day:

Who's More Propular?

I came across Preople on the interesting blog MicroPersuasion last night. Its a weird little thing that searches for your name on a few different search engines, and gives you a popularity rating. I got a rating of 241, which put in context of the top 5 is poor.

The Global top 5 makes for interesting reading:
  • Britney Spears 11,200,000
  • Madonna 11,200,000
  • Harry Potter 10,600,000
  • George W Bush 9,320,000
  • Michael Jackson 7,260,000
How a fictitious character makes it into the top 5 is kind of weird, but I guess not surprising.

So, are my readers more popular than I am? Surely not. Feel free to leave a comment with your "Preople Rating".