Sunday, January 09, 2005
On this day:

Dancing On The Streets

I guess I've neglected my blog in recent times. I set out a few months ago with the intention of maintaining a regular blog. But as I've said before here, things worked against me in doing this, mainly decent internet access. However, this has been rectified by me getting internet at my apartment. So in future, I should have no excuses. In the next few days, I'll attempt to remember all the things I've been meaning to blog about, but couldnt because it was too frustrating to try and do it at work on a Third World internet connection. Well, here goes.

One interesting and annoying thing that I noticed recently is how people walk on the streets. I think I've mentioned it before on my blog about how annoying it is to be walking towards someone else and neither of you know which side of the footpath to go on. For me anyway, it usually ends up in both of us doing a little sing and a dance as we walk towards each other and nearly bumping into each other. It usually ends in a "I'm sorry" and both of us walk away a little embarrased. I think I've cracked it though. I've formulated a fool proof way of avoiding this dancing around strangers (I'm assuming most want to avoid this, but if you like doing this, skip forward a few lines). When you're walking towards someone and the dancing ritual is inevitable, just look away from them, keep your head down and just walk straight ahead. When they realise that you're no longer looking at them, they realise that its up to them to "take evasive actions". So they just walk around you, and no awkward situation. However, a problem occurs when they look away too, but if you think they're the type to always look at you, then my method is foolproof.

Another thing I've noticed related to this and happened to me just a few days ago was how people walk around corners. You'd imagine that no one would walk around the corner blindly, and take a wide berth around the corner so they can see clearly. But this doesnt happen. People insist on walking around a corner right by the wall without knowing if anyone is around the corner. A few days ago, I was walking up to a corner near the wall and intended walking straight across the road, without turning the corner. However, some wise guy decided to walk around the corner and walked in to me. The inevitable startled jump of both of us occurred. Thing is neither of us will remember not to do that again. I guess its just one of those small things.