Thursday, December 09, 2004
On this day:


I've been browsing quite a few blogs today, just tyring to see whats out there. It was kind of weird, but I came across the blog of one of my economics professors in college. Atlantic Blog is actually pretty well done, but its very extensive and a little too heavy for my liking. None the less, I thought it was kinda cool.

Another one is Des Bishop's Blog. He's a pretty decent American comedian who grew up in Ireland and actually studies arts in UCC, where I went to college. I think I'm gonna go mad and start linking to any blog that I like. I don't feel like actually making a connection with these blogs asking if I can link, which might be the right thing to do, but honestly, I dont care.

A couple others I'm gonna add are: Irish Eagle which as the name suggests and from what I've read is by an IrishAmerican now living in Ireland and Gavin's Blog which is by an Irish journalist.

An excellent website that I just discovered is Project Syndicate. Joseph Stiglitz, the author of the book I'm currently reading contributes to this which I reckon I'll be reading much more of in the future.

I know I've already linked to Kellie's Blog, but you should really read it. Her last post was hysterical. She's doing her last final before she comes to visit me on Saturday! Woo hoo! I can't wait.

In future, I'm just going to add new links to blogs without commenting on them.