Thursday, January 27, 2005
On this day:

My Ugly Mug

So, here you have it. I've eventually got around to uploading all the photos that I want to display on my blog. Man, dial up is so annoying. The beauty of my fancy new photo is that it magically plucks a random photo out of fresh air each time you load the page. The obvious benefit to you is that you dont have to stare at the same stupid photo of me all the time. The benefit of it to me, is that you will keep refreshing to see the next photo, sending my hit counter through the roof! I haven't said which person I am in the photos, but if you cant figure it out, just hit F5 a couple of times and you should be able to spot the link!

I've tried making up excuses for only blogging every so often, but I'm not sure if they stand up to much scrutiny. I mean I could blog if I went completely out of my way, but thats just too much hassle. With a crap internet connection, life is just drained out of you and the will to say something interesting or funny is taken away from you by the "internet devil".

In my frustration at not being able to blog as much as I want to, I've reached a conclusion about blogging. The quality of your blogging is directly proportional to the quality of your internet connection. If you have a crap one, like me both at work and at home, its impossible to maintain a decent blog. Firstly you cant browse the net easily and quickly for things to blog about. And when you come across something that you want to share with the blogosphere, it takes ages to actually post it up. Researching the article or whatever so you can put in useful links is a nightmare, so readers have to do with just text.

I have a load of things that I've been meaning to blog about, but I just havent gotten around to it. From the start of next week, I promise to resume feeding you all with my high quality blogging.

In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy my weekend with everyone at the UCC Volleyball Club who are coming up to Dublin this weekend to play in the UCD Blitz. Its a mixed volleyball tournament taking place in UCD all weekend and it promises to be an amazing weekend. Its not so much a test of who can play the best volleyball, but a test of volleyball while hungover and looking foward to the next night out all at the same time.

So, I wont be online at all over the weekend, but hopefully I will still be alive on Monday and I will give you the low-down on the weekend as well as starting my new "healthier blogging lifestyle" (which means I will actually blog about something!)

In the meantime, have fun laughing at my photographs. I could have just picked one good one, thats not embarrasing or stupid, but whats the fun in that? Also, people may start to think of me differently and hence thing my blogs are a load of crap after seeing my photo. But hopefully people will look past that and see my blogs for what they really are......... sheer quality!! (Anyone else agree?)