Tuesday, January 25, 2005
On this day:

Neglecting My Duties

I must apologise for my terrible maintenance of my blog. I was just reading it there and noticed the big gaps in it. I would have liked to blog at least every two days, but it hasnt worked out that way. You see, it goes back to the place I work. For some reason they've blocked www.blogger.com which prevents me posting directly, but also to posting comments to those who have taken the time to comment on my blog (for which I'm grateful). The strange thing is that www.blogspot.com is available, so at least I can read some blogs. I may have complained about how slow the internet is here at work, but the funny thing is, it seems to be faster when I'm using Firefox. I think it has a faster way of rendering pages. You see, another perfect reason why you should ditch Internet Explorer!

Considering, I'm not really blogging about anything except my blog, I may as well get this over with. I'm in the process of adding my photo to my blog. You see, I dont have any one good photo that I want to upload, so instead I'm doing a little bit of javascript to display a random photo from about the 20 or so I select, each time you load the page. Nifty eh? I have it working, but now have to trawl through the thousands of photos I have to pick out some good ones.

The one annoying thing about Blogger is that for someone to comment, they must either be a Blogger blogger, or they can post anonomously. Considering Google have an open and non-proprietary air to them (in my opinion), they seem to be closing up Blogger pretty fast meaning you're either a Blogger blogger or an "everything-else" blogger. I'm considering HaloScan, but the damm thing about that, is that that too is also blocked at work, so I wont be able to comment then either! Anyone have a comment on Haloscan?

Hopefully if I get a chance, I'll do these two things in the next few days. I know ALL of you cant wait that long to see how beautiful I am, but unfortunately, this beautiful person is busy! :)